Using purchasing power to drive positive change: Circular IQ in Impact Magazine

Using purchasing power to drive positive change: Circular IQ in Impact Magazine

The Dutch Justice Department (DJI) is one of the front-running ministries in the Netherlands focusing on bringing the circular economy into our current business models. For the past years, Wolter van der Vlist has been a prominent voice in activating teams within the organization in creative and successful ways. His goal is to anchor circularity within the Ministry’s core processes

On Earth Day, DJI presented an overview of DJI’s projects, featuring key-projects initiated in the past 12 months. We’re thrilled to be included in the magazine and we look forward to supporting the team over the coming months to complete the process.


Unlocking circularity potential


We were invited to support the DJI-team responsible for tendering circular linen for all correctional facilities in the Netherlands. One of DJI’s high impact product categories, based on the spend, is the bed-, bath-, and kitchen linens that are used in correctional facilities. So we supported the team in defining their circular focus for the project. 

For Anne Marie van Iersel (DJI’s project manager), featured with us in the magazine, “enabling DJI to objectively assess and compare the environmental impact of different products” was a huge win. It gave the team the confidence they needed to initiate this ambitious project.

Our CEO, Roy Vercoulen, adds that “in the circular economy it’s about putting materials to use versus using them up. For that to be possible it’s necessary to be able to identify material composition and characteristics. The criteria in this tender are aimed at promoting transparency on material composition and reward suppliers and products that can put materials to use in the most effective way. With this approach, the use of virgin materials is minimized, as is waste. This should result in an attractive business case and cost savings for DJI”.


Want to learn more? Read the full interview here.

If you want to learn more about our circularity programs, just drop us a message and let’s start the conversation.


In the photo: Our CEO, Roy Vercoulen, and DJI’s Project Manager, Anne Marie van Iersel.